Different is Awesome

mommying motherhood Aug 23, 2019

As a mother of an almost four year old, I get nervous what will come out of her mouth. Kids at this age have no filter, are very inquisitive and observant which gives us adults an opportunity to educate their little minds.

I often worry that I don't have the right word choice to teach her properly in some areas. And it allows me the opportunity to grow as a mom and human myself.

Today was very powerful for me.

At our local library, a friend of mine was a special guest reader to kids 3-6 years of age. As kids are about to start school, she was reading about differences and the importance of treating everyone with kindness. I knew this was an opportunity for someone else to teach Nyla about differences and give her a different perspective than me.

She is #momgoals with two children herself. Her son Evan was born with a little arm. And he is such a sweet, rock star child!

Sara, my friend, began story time explaining to all these young minds that we are all born different. Some of us have blonde hair, some black, some freckles, some tall, some short. Some of us wear glasses, some of us have blue eyes and some brown. Some of us like science and others painting. Some are born with one hand or two. Others with one leg. We are all different on purpose.

Can I say genius!? It was the absolute perfect way of explaining differences.

I think as parents we tend to overthink things - or at least I do. I always want to use the correct wording as to teach my kids to never say something that will hurt another kid's feelings.

Words totally matter.

She read two books: Different is Awesome by Ryan Haack and Elmer by David McKee. These were great books that were such an incredible way to help your child understand that being different is a blessing. And to always be yourself.

The kids even got to tell the room what makes them different. I'm so glad I took Nyla today as it was very informative. I wanted to share my experience as I'm sure there are other moms that worry like me.

If you want to teach your child about differences and how words matter I highly recommend these two book choices. You won't be disappointed and it just may give you a clearer way of explaining to your child.

♥︎ xo

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